Saturday, July 07, 2007

I felt that!

Or should I say, I FELTED that!

This is the result of taking the piece of wool/mohair I had knitted up and tossing it into a washer full of blue jeans in hot water.

The original piece of knitting was 45 inches by 26 1/2 inches. The resulting piece of felt is 17 1/2 inches by 12 inches. Why is it that the length-wise side shrunk down 10% more than the width-wise?

I'm not exactly sure either why we have the "wavey" sides, but it shouldn't be a problem considering what we want to do with the stuff.

So now, since this was a project of the DH, its up to him to create a pattern that will work with this material.

We went to Denver yesterday for our annual trip to the Cherry Creek Art Festival. You can read my thoughts about the experience by using this link.

In the car up and back I was able to finish 2 afghan squares.

I just love the way the patterns of color ebb and flow when you knit with a varigated yarn, it keeps the knitting of the same size and shape from getting boring.

and so, its time to get moving.....

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