Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ok, maybe NOT felt

once again I have run up against the DUH! factor.

This (as usual) is based on my assuming that because something is wool yarn it will behave like wool yarn did back in the day (you know, horse & buggy day) when I first did a lot of knitting


nowdays they do some special incantation over the wool yarn, make it "MACHINE WASHABLE", and thereby render it useless to those of us that would make felt from it

nowdays you must buy the special "feltable" yarn to do this ---- AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!

ok, rant over, I unraveled my carefully knit block of pink goodness and returned it to the pile of yarn to be knit into charity hats

and its back to the drawing board on the camera case (sorry kid!) .... I have some other ideas to try out

Meantime, I have been living in "the belly of the hog" (or more likely on his shoulder) since yesterday afternoon when we began boiling the ham for today's dinner. Its making the dog nuts as she doesn't understand why she can't have whatever it is I'm cooking, and frankly, I'm already tired of the smell.....makes me wonder how our grandma's (or great grandma's) could handle it......

We're off to my mother's house to have our Christmas celebration......

time to go pack stuff up

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