Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Word for 2017

if the date of this post, which would have ordinarily been done on January 1, is any indication, the word I have in mind for this year is a really needed!  (in my defense, however, I came down with a nasty cold right after Christmas that then became a worse sinus infection, at least now I'm on the mend)

last year the word was FOCUS

and it seemed to work --- lots of work completed, lots of work accepted into shows -- awesome!

this year's word is PLAN

and here's why:  doing the work is important, but if I really want to be a juried artist and at some point actually sell some of my work, it doesn't just happen by magic

there needs to be a PLAN -- a plan for creating that CV that is required, a plan to create a new website that will show my work, a plan for entering more shows without having the last minute panic

yes indeed, there needs to be a PLAN