Tuesday, December 12, 2006

New beginnings......

As usual, I don't start just one project at a time.

These two pieces will be beaded necklaces something like the collars I have made in the past, but these will be a little smaller.

The top one is three pieces of a stone called Primavera and a little oval of turquoise

The bottom one is a really clear piece of rose quartz (so clear that I don't understand why they didn't facet it) and two tear drop shaped pieces of Russian Charoite

These should be fun to do, and will go a lot faster than the really big collars do.

Since the cuff bracelets have been such a big hit (I'm down to only one in the inventory again), and I was able to make a good buy on a "bulk" lot of the brass cuffs I use inside, I have also laid out three new one to work on.

The top one has 5 pieces of tigereye in it. Notice how the lines around it look like a stylized butterfly? Since there is no matrix in tigereye, I use other ideas to create a pattern to bead with.

The middle one is all rhodochrosite pieces and the biggest piece has some great matrix to create patterns spreading over the bracelet.

And the bottom on is the hot seller of the year -- malachite. I sold every one of these I have been able to get finished, so I figure I should have another one in the inventory.

I have another cross, a small round pendent, and a third bracelet in the planning stages and there is still Let The River Run and a beaded Easter Lilly egg too.....

Meantime, I have begun quilting crossed checkered flags and names into the green field around the track on the car quilt. Didn't spend much time on that yesterday as we worked on show planning for 2007, the layout of the new bead work, did laundry and grocery shopping.

Today we're going out to finish the shopping that needs to get mailed out of town, then I will only have a few more items to do before Christmas.

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