Saturday, May 17, 2008

Eating at the owl?

Here we are in Albuquerque, where we will be doing our show tomorrow --

One of the things that we enjoy about this show is the chance to get together with the other artists the evening before to share a meal and catch up on what's happening in each other's lives.

The selected restaurant this year was The Owl Cafe --- yes folks, this picture is the outside of the building!!

I was a bit concerned about being able to find anything on the menu I could eat since the big advertised thing is a big green chili cheese burger. And there are a lot of "no nos" on the menu, but they did have a veggie quesidilla that looked like a good thing for me to try and it was excellent

The inside of the restaurant is standard chrome craft 1950s style decor (if you've watched Diners, Drive Ins and Dives on Food TV you've seen this kind of interior!!), but the outside is pretty cool -- this huge stucco owl head (oh yeah, lots of owl things inside too)

It was definately a pleasant evening

one of the things I do when we're traveling is work on charity knitting, these two squares (one completed on the way down, one in process) are in honor of being in New Mexico -- the red, yellow and green of the chilis on every sign everywhere, and the purples and turquoises for the great way they paint the railings and color the concrete of their highway bridges --- the landscape is pretty much desert, and the sun sort of leaches the color out of anything pastel, so bright colors are the order of the day. A lot of the highway overpasses, etc., are these lovely terra cotta, salmon and turquoise colors with some purple thrown in for fun --- who says highways are boring?!

And as we drove down we had a couple of little showers and we had the lovely fragrance of wet cedar ---- mmmmmmm, a delight in deed

so now its time to get my stuff organized for the morning ---- and we're hoping for a good show ----

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