Sunday, September 27, 2015

another week has flown by!

the garage workshop has been very busy!

our daughter asked her dad to put this Ikea chest together for her

what she got was not only a chest put together, but one with a nice stain, several coats of sealer and a wax job on top


and that's not all he's been up to

he built these two "park benches" for me so I can display my doll and bear collection on the ledge in our living room

I hope to get those installed in the next couple of days

meantime, I've been working on projects too

the beading is coming along on this -- stitching down bugles in concentric circles is pretty time consuming, but this piece does not have a time deadline, and that stitching has a sort of meditating quality that is good at the end of a long day

another shed door is done!

there is still one thing I'm going to do to this -- ink the edge so the white batting doesn't make that white halo around the edges

one more little design change got made here, but I'm now happy with it and ready to get serious about the quilting

but to do that quilting I needed a specific color and type of thread

which I found at the quilt show that was held right here in my home town on Friday

of course I also did a bit of shopping for another project that I'm working on (and can't show you pictures of yet!)

yesterday our SAQA region hosted a workshop by a local (awesome!) artist who did a workshop on hanging textiles in dimensional ways

I volunteered to take one of my pieces to be experimented with

what an amazing impact hanging this piece that way had -- WOW!

made me think about doing something like this for a future piece too

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