Sunday, January 10, 2016

staying focused

last week after I posted about my word for 2016, I received an envelope in the mail from a friend that lives nearby
inside was the star banner with my word for the year lettered and colored on it -- way cool!

it's hung clear at the top of the design wall -- to help me remember what I'm supposed to be doing!

and as part of that focus, I spent some time installing the new thread rack that Santa brought me -- now all of the thread is out of the drawers and bags and is all in one place so I can see what I have


since I actually managed to get this piece done by the proper date, it has been entered in a challenge with one of the bead groups I belong to

the voting for the challenge winner goes on over here  on the Etsy Beadweavers Blog

if you're interested, go over and take a look and vote on your favorite

one of the things that goes with the lap quilts I make is a sort of guarantee -- if you use it, I'll repair it -- and yes, eventually replace it if necessary

the point is I make these to be used and enjoyed on a daily basis -- my way of sharing a daily hug!

this quilt was made for my daughter, and the silvery wings had become very thread bare, so she brought her quilt in to "the shop" for the needed repairs

the wings have been replaced (well, I actually appliqued a new wing layer over the old one!) and I have put a layer of fleece on the back and requilted in the necessary places

working on the new binding now, so this will be done soon

last year I made this sweater for Mr Cute

at the time, the adorable tractor buttons worked fine since it was an adult person doing the buttoning

now days, he's all about doing it himself (a good thing!), so his mama requested that I switch out the buttons for something easier

these vintage orange buttons are just the thing, and he took it home with him today

this week I worked on the truck

early in the week I had a real problem with the trim that is supposed to go around the windshield, so I picked that part out and refocused on doing the door, the fender and the hood

along the way of doing that I've figured out a different approach to that pesky trim piece -- yeah!

marching right along

Fog + Cold = Art Inspiration!!

this is what the tree in my front yard looked like at dawn this morning -- no, it did not snow again last night, we just had heavy fog that created all these little "twig-cicles"

as if I didn't already have a long list of art work I want to do!  Mother nature just added another one to my list

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