Saturday, April 07, 2007

its winter again

Just as I predicted a while back, winter has returned.

I woke this morning to find everything covered with about a quarter inch of ICE! The trees are all white, and the fog was thick enough that I could just barely see the back fence.

Its a good thing I had enjoyed the daffodills the last couple of weeks. The poor little things are all bent over and frozen stiff.

Fog kind of muffles every sound so you notice little things, when I let the dog out I could hear the grass crunch when she stepped on it.

Somber making.

I'm sort of in that place right now. I got the call from California yesterday that my uncle died around noon yesterday (Good Friday). The memorial service will be on the 19th, when I'll be in California anyway, so at least I'll be able to be there for it.

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