Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A new bear and another make over

This is Rusty

This is the bear that I was having all the issues with his ears (you know, Flying Nun, ready to fly across the room ears!)

I finally got the ears done, and the original idea for Rusty (which has been the "working name" for this critter right along) was that SHE would be Rustie, and I would do a necklace with a sunflower or a beaded autumn leaf for her.

mmmmm, well, once I got the ears fixed and all of the feet done, this bear informed me in no uncertain terms that HE was a BOY and he didn't want anything to do with any of that "sissy" stuff. (that's what I get for putting an OPEN MOUTH on a bear!)

So, Rusty is in his fashion best. A nicely stiffened white collar and a handmade silk tie, complete with a genuine sapphire tie tack (I modified a stud earring finding to create the tie tack).

Now that he's done, I just have to put a tag on him and put him in the travel tub.

This is the other new bear that we had finished a few days ago, the one that would never tell me who she was.

Well, we're guessing that she wasn't talking because she just wasn't happy with her "look", so yesterday I gave her a make over.

This is Rosalinda.

In order to create this new look, there was major surgery involved -- the kind where I get to open the body seam and open the head seam and remove the neck joint!

That long neck and the upward tip of the head just wasn't doing it for her. Now she looks kind of like the little old lady bear. I'm considering knitting her a shawl!

This one too is getting a tag and will go into the packing tub sometime today.

I'm still working on two more pieces that I want to take to this weekend's show. My daughter had given me two very nice coffee cups, and I thought it would be fun to try a sort of gift basket thing with those cups and a little bear and some other goodies, so I'm working on putting those together.

Lots of stuff to do today, so its time for me to get to it!!

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