Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dodos in the Aviary

It must be spring....

the studio door is open

the aviary is filling up!

You may remember that about 2 weeks ago I finished up the puffin. Well, more birds have joined the show!

this is Darcie

soft mohair
upholstry velour beak and feet

steel shot in her fanny (she's much heavier than she looks!)

and this is Darkwing

same sort of fabrics
much bigger attitude!

notice how they are both cross-eyed?

guess that's why they're extinct -- couldn't see where they were going (sort of like me in the wrong glasses!)

Today we have shopping to do, so I probably won't get as much done, but there are 3 more birds on the runway, so this fascination with feathers obviously has not run its course!

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