Saturday, May 31, 2008

a wing and a prayer?

or perhaps flying in circles!

Work is progressing nicely on the center panel -- this one is Gabriel -- and one wing is complete! I'm definately getting quicker at putting in these "feather" pieces.

The challenge of this panel will be the piecing of the trim on the robe -- its a very Greek looking series of stacked rectangles -- just something to learn new techniques from!

Yesterday we spent some time in the yard working

The little, barely visable green bits in the picture are tomato plants.

We put in 6 of them and installed the wire baskets to keep the dog from sitting on them (she likes to go out and sit any place that the ground is damp)

Today I will be trying to figure out a "hail shield" we can rig in case of nasty weather (which in this area is a normal part of summer) I'm thinking an old sheet with some modifications -- we'll see how that works

The plan is to also plant some green beans out on this tier of the terraces of the back yard -- but we have to build a trellis system first

While we were out in the yard I spotted this interesting item.

I've been complaining about the cottonwood this year, and here is a good example of how bad its been

I'm thinking this is not what the busy little spider had in mind when this web was built, but its done a great job catching a lot of cottonwood that's blowing around!

(made for an interesting picture against the grey of the tool shed!)

And I guess it's nap time here

After being out in the yard,

barking at the neighbor's cat,

running through the hose

time to snooooooozzzzzzeeeeee!

For the past couple of days, the back of my right hand just below the thumb has been bothering me

Until last night I couldn't tell what was going on

Here's the picture -- OUCH!

(don't ask, I have absolutely NO IDEA what I did here -- which is typical)

So today there will be more yard work (there's a bush by the front door that wants to grab you on the way into the house that I need to trim back!)

Then I'm going to try a new approach to the issue of finishing the black and white over wood beads piece -- the first go at spacer beads just didn't work, so I'm hoping the new idea will

time to get to it!

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