Wednesday, August 02, 2006

clue #2

Ok, since no one took a guess yesterday, here is clue #2 in the latest What Is it?

So, what's your guess now?

And now for today's project update:

Toucan: got the gusset inserted and the beak attached without too much swearing....YEAH! Now I'm thinking he looks pretty good.

Next step is the do the tail and wing pieces......

Solar Power piece: finished the 3rd round of the beads....moving along slowing, but didn't spend a lot of time on this yesterday

Car Quilt: working on the full size pattern pieces to do the bricks....the brick section is a fairly large oval ring. I have split it into 4 pie wedge shaped pieces to make it easy to insert the "infield". So far I have transfered 2 of the track sections onto freezer paper....there must be hundreds of little pieces here....should be very interesting to put it all together {here I go off mumbling senselessly, "blither, blither, blither" I may be certifiably crazy}

Cat Quilt: found the dark brown and cut it into bias and got all of the strips sewn together. I'm not sure if there will be enough to bind both quilts, but there is definately enough for the first one! Still working on the border quilting, about 1/3 done I think.

Today is our day to mow the lawn, then we need to run a couple of errands, so we'll see what I can accomplish today.


Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

uh, webbed feet? lol!

Anonymous said...

But for which bird, that's the question! They look way too small for a toucan-type beast...