Tuesday, March 19, 2013

finished and begun and an announcement

 pressed, bound, complete!

this piece served two purposes --- test run for the Hoffman Challenge, and the assignment for the Visioning Project regarding "scale"

(and the next sample that is a closer test for color for the Hoffman Challenge is ready for the machine work now)

apparently the triangles and the circles are still with us

the next assignment for the Visioning Project is one about balance and color

I did this little drawing last night, and when I get back into the studio I'll be pulling out the fabrics to create this piece

you may remember this piece, titled "Warning Sky",  that I did back in the fall

yesterday it went off as a donation for the Studio Art Quilt Associates fundraising auction

when that starts, I'll put up a link here so you can see how it does

when I did that piece I could sense that I wasn't done with that whole idea

I did this little sketch last night, but I'm now thinking that I might want to try a vertical version too

we'll see where that all goes

I'm pleased to say that this piece took second place in the challenge that I entered it in

after entering pieces almost every month for nearly two years, this was the first piece to even place

I'm thrilled

I consider it evidence that my word for the year is working --- being BRAVE --- last night in my reading I saw this quote:  "what would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?" -- yup, be brave!


1 comment:

AlisonH said...

That beaded box is glorious, absolutely glorious! Personally I think it should have placed first, but at least I got my vote in.