Tuesday, July 23, 2013

what am I working on

even after spending a lot of time dealing with paperwork, a trip to the store and doing the laundry for the week, I got quite a lot of work done in the studio

this piece is coming along nicely

 and now that the quilt for Mr Cute is all complete, I'm back to really working on this piece

this is already taking on that "did I do that" feel that happens sometimes 

this morning we had a bit of excitement -- after the big black dog and I had done our walk and she had her breakfast, she had a full on dog alert at the patio door

I looked up to see the shadow of a small doe walking the fence line in the field behind our house -- how cool is that!?

unfortunately for my camera, she was so small and so close to the fence that I couldn't even get a picture by going upstairs -- maybe standing on the roof would have done it, but I'm not going there

things have settled down now --- guess I'll have to do real work now

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

I can't wait to see what they'll look like when they're grown up!