Saturday, September 09, 2006

New work.....

True confessions time.....when I don't feel well I have a hard time concentrating on any one project.

Its probably nothing short of a miracle that I've gotten anything done the last two days, as I've had this yucky, achy, low grade fever thing going on.

Last night we slept in our recliners in the family room (I fell asleep about 9:30 and the DH just let me sleep.....Nice guy!! Anyway, this morning I feel somewhat better -- YEAH!

These are the 4 oval pieces that I hope to get finished before our first jewelry show in October (which is about the middle of the month) These pieces are (clockwise from the top left: blue puau, unikite jasper, pink puau and bulls eye malachite) The bead order arrived, so I now have the necessary beads to get these done.

Along with the beads came some findings for the DH to put some facetted stones in. He got 5 necklaces done!! Nice stuff, ruby and pink sapphire in gold fill settings, amethyst and ruby in sterling silver....very pretty.

I worked on both quilts some yesterday. The Cat quilt has 4 blocks and the border left to quilt, then the binding goes on.

The Car quilt is making me crazy. I have now decided that I should have started in the middle, not at the top! I spread it out on the bed and discovered that I will have to slash and insert pieces in several spots to get it to lay flat. NUTS!! (yes, its driving me there!!) All lessons learned to be put to work in the next one tho'. Once I get that slash & insert part done I still need to finish the highway strip at the bottom then add the grass and sand pieces at the bottom edge. I tried working on the highway last night, but its black and I was just too blurry last night...maybe today in the sunlight!

I didn't work on any animals yesterday either.

The beads around the Solar piece are half done. With luck this piece will be totally complete by Monday, then its on to the ovals.

One thing I can do when I'm semi coherent....KNIT! I have my latest Squares4Survivors block about half done.

Oh yes, the new van (we're calling her 'Streak' -- as in Silver Streak) now has cruise control so we can be safe driving her on the highway.....she moves so well that it would be way too easy to find ourselves going 90 in a 55 zone, which is a really BAD thing!!

So, now I'm going to try to actually accomplish something today.

1 comment:

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Th oval pieces really stand out! I'm sure the necklaces are great!