Sunday, October 10, 2010

moving on

I finished stitching the planet to the background yesterday

and then I cut out the little paper doll people that I wanted to use to encircle the planet

and now that I'm looking at the photo, I'm wondering if I should have made them smaller

I'm thinking about that

meantime I'm working on collecting the symbols I will be embroidering on them

it's moving along nicely

and more quilting was done on the baby quilt -- I'm still dealing with the frustration of getting used to the new thread that I picked to do the quilting on this piece -- I love the color and the sheen of it, but I've still not adapted to the idea that I can't wheel off 24 inches of thread and stitch away like I could with the threads I've used before -- more like 12 inches which means twice as much starting, stopping, threading, knotting -- {sigh}

all of that stitched done on both projects AFTER I made a trip to the local fabric store and purchased a new thimble -- it was nice to work right along and not get stuck!

and while I was in the fabric store I spotted this fabric on the marked down table

it will fit right in with the other fabrics my daughter selected for the diaper bag I'll be making for her -- Oz themed!

so it needs to go into the washer when I launder tomorrow then I'll be starting on that project

the furnace kicked on this morning for the first time -- never mind that it's been warm enough that I had to water the front yard yesterday -- ah the joys of living above 6000 feet -- this week I'll be mowing the back and front yards then putting the mower away for the winter -- along with rolling up the hoses and putting away all the assorted sprinkler heads -- fall is an interesting transition time

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

No yellow bricks? But that is really cool fabric. It charms me.