Thursday, December 07, 2006

another gift complete

finished these 3 hot pads for my friend in California....

We took an excursion to do some other shopping yesterday, and through the wonders of online shopping, most of my "have to buy" shopping is I just wait for the delivery trucks to bring it to nice is that?!

DH and I had a lovely time walking around the mall, picking up a few gifts and having lunch out.

Lunch turned into a "deisgn session" (I always say some of our best stuff was designed on a paper napkin!), and I came home with a list of "to dos" as well as the presents we went out for. We'll make one more trip out early next week for sock gifts and so DH can do his shopping for me, then the only store we'll have to visit between then and Christmas will be the grocery.

I'm moving right along on the quilting, making my way over the brick track right now. Talked to my mom yesterday and asked her to send me a list of all the drivers, etc., that my dad worked with when he built race cars. The idea is to quilt all those names into the grass around the outside of the track......actually borrowing the word idea from my friend in California and the content (those names) was the idea of the DH....COOL! Anyway, hopefully by the time I'm done with the track and the 6 cars on it, the list will be here and away we'll go.

Must spend some time today finishing up the decorating in the house and working on a bank reconciliation for my accounting client.

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