Saturday, December 23, 2006

Done before Christmas!

the quilt is finished.....I finished stitching the binding about 9 last night, and I'm happy to say it looks pretty good.

In one of these pictures you can see the checkered flags quilted into the green area.

I tried to get a picture of the "ghost" cars quilted between the pieced ones on the highway, but it doesn't show up well here.

I'll be taking some more pictures later, but I just had to put these out and brag!

Today we will be baking and cleaning, having done all of our running around yesterday (HURRAH!)


Nancy G said...

Wow, it looks fabulous! Okay, what's your secret; how do you get all this stuff done? Makes me feel really lame...

Bev said...

ok, rule #1 -- no migraines! rule #2, just keep working on every project a little every day (at least that works for me, if I don't have enough projects going, I get bored, and if I'm bored, I'm trouble!)

There are things on the quilt that I think could be better executed, but I consider it to be a learning experience for the next one!!

Final rule: be kind to yourself!!