Thursday, October 08, 2009

of garden sheds and quilting

Yesterday was a pretty warm day, so the DH painted the trim on the garden shed

I think it looks pretty good -- almost like a brand new shed

If we get another warm day, he plans to paint all of the hardware with a really dark gray paint

Not sure when that will be -- we might actually get some snow by tomorrow morning

While the DH was painting, I cleaned up in the garden -- bagged up two big bags of corn stalks (the only way I can keep the dog from eating the stuff is to just get it out of the yard), pulled up the tomato baskets. While I was up in the garden I noticed there are two more panels in the fence that need to be repaired, so we'll be picking up about a dozen more fence boards to do that -- more for the zebra fence!

Outside work wasn't all I did yesterday either --- I got both of the quilts pin basted and have begun quilting on them

Four of the five beads for the elephant piece are done too, and I finally found the weights so I can wash the gold wool

When I was in the fabric store picking up the quilt batts, I got into a conversation with one of the ladies that works there. As I was telling her about the projects I was getting materials for she asked me if I had ever talked to a quilt guild. Well, uh, no -- not that I would mind doing that. So far I've had a hard time finding a quilt guild that I felt comfortable in -- I would like to not be the only art quilter in the group. She invited me to come a visit their group, which meets this evening at the Senior Center. If the weather isn't too evil, I'm going.

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