In the Mittnz 2009 challenge, Ann over at Sheep Shots drew names for prizes. Imagine my surprise that I won one of them (even stranger, my sister did too --- cue the Twilight Zone music!).
They arrived yesterday. Two very cool books on knitting -- one very basic with some wonderful simple knit sweater patterns and one with some great knitted toys (including a horse that looks a lot like the one I down loaded earlier in the year).
Great stuff! So now we can start on Mittnz 2010!

anyway, this is the last block with the applique work all completed -- next it gets embroidery then all of the blocks get put together
I'm ready to put together the Elephants in the "Out of Africa" series, but in this mess that I call a "studio" I can not find the ball of cord I was using on these --- GRRRRR!! So I will work on some other things while I think about it -- and maybe actually do some cleaning to help the "finding" process
The gold wool yarn has been dyed and is hanging again from the shower rod -- sometime in the next couple of days I'll be able to take pictures (after it drys), then I will be rolling it into balls and starting on the sweater pattern the DH has selected
We're having snow and ice still this morning -- it's definately gray and very COLD!
I woke up with a sort of scratchy throat and just generally feeling draggy, so I'll be laying low today. Maybe some knitting and quilting, but definately some snoozing in the chair.
Time for a cup of throat soothers tea
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