Sunday, May 16, 2010


heh, yeah -- as soon as one quilt is near to complete we start in on another one

this is the layout sheet that will serve as the road map for the next one

right now this is pretty much a project on the work list for the DH as he does all of the original drawings before I start working on anything (except making suggestions about content at any rate)

today I'll be working on the label for the Hoffman piece and (hopefully) stitching on the binding

last night I stitched 10 holly hock buds onto the stalks on the flower quilt -- think 1/2 inch circles all turned and stitched -- AACK! -- and I still have a couple dozen more of these to do before I actually start on flowers --- at least some of them are bigger than 1/2 inch!!

work on the trees has begun again (I'll be actually winding it around that pool noodle for future storage and transportation which will make working on it easier)

and I'm working on the sashiko embroidery Christmas project

I did some work on the beaded zebra bracelet too -- that is going to be very cool!
finished this afghan square last night -- this is number 34 for 2010 -- about 10 more needed to fill the box I'm working on now

the Christmas sweater is 34.878% complete -- slogging along through the rows of ribbing at the bottom of the sleeves

and another strip for the Christmas afghan is nearing completion too

while I was waiting for dinner to cook last night I worked a bit on the shirt I'm remaking -- cut off the collar and the sleeves of the gray plaid shirt, cut the sleeves off the white shirt and pinned them to the plaid shirt for stitching --- the button bands will be next I think -- and I still need to snip off the buttons from which ever band I decide to keep since I'll be replacing them

after days and days of rainy, cold, gray weather it might actually be warm enough for putting the rest of the little plants in the ground -- need to check and make sure there aren't any more overnight freezes forecast first


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