Saturday, September 04, 2010

another finished shawl

I've been working on this one in the car as we went to the State Fair and to the Tut exhibit this week, and finished it up this week

while I had more of this yarn by yardage than I had of the red yarn I made the first shawl out of, this yarn is softer and lighter, and in the end it turned out to be exactly the same size as the red on even though I had expected it to be bigger

hmmmm, well

it still came out very nicely and will fit a small/medium petite person, which is acceptable

meantime, yesterday there was cleaning and cooking (a whole gallon bag of chicken wings all pre-steamed and ready to be baked, as well as two loaves of chocolate chip zucchini bread) and airing out of rooms and doggie kennels -- yup, I think I'm ready for my daughter to arrive

this morning just a quick run to the hardware store then I can actually work on projects for a while -- WHOOT!!

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Nice, and nice colorway!