Thursday, September 02, 2010

Fall is coming

when I woke up this morning it was much cooler -- which I like a lot

the wind was blowing, moving the aspen leaves on the tree just over the fence in my neighbor's yard from my back door

it sounds different than summer leaves

fall is coming -- the aspen leaves are starting to change in texture if not color yet

and I picked the first pumpkin out of my garden yesterday -- cut little sugar pie, all beautifully orange
I forgot to mention one of the other things that was in the envelope from the Hoffman folks

the sheet of paper announcing the 2011 competition that also shows what all of the fabrics will look like

I've seen the actual challenge fabric, and the picture doesn't do it justice, so I'm already thinking about ideas to make next year's entry

the judging sheet was also in the packet -- all very useful information for making the next piece even better

one more afghan square completed this week too (and another one started)

I'm working on other stuff more and afghan squares less right now -- have Christmas things and show things to finish!!

today I'm doing laundry and starting in on the house things that need doing before my daughter arrives on Saturday -- changing the sheets, airing out the room, hosing out the dog's kennel -- the usual stuff

the mundane goes on and hopefully this afternoon time in the studio to do some more stamping and painting and stitching!

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

We're getting another 90 degree day today. Pumpkins already just doesn't seem fair; I'm not ready to let summer go! (Now that we've finally been getting some of it.)