Saturday, October 16, 2010

finished -- and not (Rant warning!)

the first of the vests for fencing projects is complete

this one went really quickly (it helps that I've made this pattern several times!)

and last night after I finished this one, I cast on the second one right away

so now there is one more vest and two sweaters left to do

this project, however, is NOT finished

why not? well, because the pattern designer did one of the things that I hate most about the internet

when I got to the next to the last step in the process I encountered the following instruction: "Understitch the seam allowance to the zipper section. See my website for Understitching directions."

let me tell you there was a whole of of stomping and mumbling -- and even more so this morning because the URL she referenced in the pattern does not work

I did eventually find the instruction, but the whole thing really is very annoying - my computer and my sewing studio do not inhabit the same room -- or even the same floor -- of my house, and I only do computer work first thing in the morning (unless it is a dire emergency) because that fits my work habits the best (I might add that this whole "once a day" computer thing is also why I have no interest in Twitter)

so even though I intended to get the bag done yesterday, it got put aside to finish today because I didn't have the complete instructions

and what if I didn't have internet access? not everyone that sews and purchases patterns has internet access -- and I think it is extremely rude to make me go elsewhere to get the rest of the instructions that I already paid for!!


RANT OVER (thanks for listening!)

so how about this little guy?

I'm starting to think about Christmas cards

I already had a really cool lion stamp cut

I did this stamp yesterday -- he came out pretty well

now on to the card designing!


AlisonH said...

Well, YEAH--if a pattern is sent over the 'net, you can put in lots of extra details and design notes. If it's a paper pattern, it needs to have all the information right there.

I have a pattern that got dropped from my book because the pattern instructions were longer than they wanted to pay for the paper for. So be it. Out.

Nancy G said...

Way to make you crazy, doing that. Glad you were eventually able to get what you needed to finish. Will you be composing a flaming email to the designer?

Do you suppose there's any chance Alison's going to put that pattern in a new book, or perhaps sell it individually online? Oh, Alison...

AlisonH said...

Lol! I'm working on it...