Wednesday, November 24, 2010

over the river

and through the purls

one of the good things that happens when we travel outside our little village and the DH can drive is that I get uninterrupted knitting time

and since I'm still cranking along with Christmas projects, that was greatly appreciated yesterday

this then is half of the pair, all finished, the ends woven in even

the nice thing about knitting in the round is that when you're done -- you're done!

the down side to knitting in the round is something this size is done the old fashioned way -- on double pointed needles which for me is slower

oh well

with any luck by the time we get back home after Thanksgiving I'll have the other one finished

today there will be baking of pies and making of cranberry fluff -- yum!

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Have a great trip!