Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blue necklace finished!

like with quilts, when I'm doing something as free form as this blue necklace is, part of the challenge is knowing when to stop

after every addition on each side I ask the question "are we done?"

yesterday the answer was yes

so here is the finished necklace -- and I'm really pleased with how it looks

and even though it appears very spiny, it is actually very soft and comfortable around the neck - the result largely of using that flexible right angle weave tube as the base


this is the beginning of a piece I'm working on as part of the Etsy Bead Weaver Team's September Challenge

(I know, yellow ink on white is pretty hard to see - I'll probably be hating myself for that decision when I get into the beading!)

and today's pictures are the result of a enormous work around -- take picture with camera, download picture from camera through laptop computer to USB drive, take USB drive to desk top computer and use software to edit/size/etc., take USB drive back to laptop computer to access the internet -- time consuming, but for now it's what I've got -- and about now I'm really glad I hadn't gotten around to getting rid of the desktop -- think I'll be hanging on to it a bit longer!


1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Oh, that's pretty!