Saturday, July 16, 2011

on the fringes and testing goes on

its amazing what a difference some rework can make

picture on the left is what this piece looked like when I began

picture on the right is the new and improved version

I'm real happy to have this finished -- and the next beading project will NOT be re-fringing yet another piece -- even though I have another piece that needs that

in fact, I'm not sure exactly what the next piece will be -- perhaps something made out of some of the new cool stones I've recently acquired

I left the lion piece sitting out on the table while I worked on other things yesterday and as I was doing something else, it occurred to me that it might be a matter of changing the technique that would help

when I did the sunset colors I did the coloring with the pencils first then brushed it with water -- resulting in the bleeding issue with the color

yesterday I decided to try another approach

I brushed the area beneath the lion with water FIRST, then used the pencils on the wet fabric

no bleeding! the one thing I'm not sure about is how well I can blend the colors using that technique

so a bit more testing will be needed probably on the bottom edge of this piece of cloth

along with that I spent several hours taking photos and then cropping them so I can list some more things on my Etsy store -- a necessary evil if you want to try to sell things on line

the cone flower piece is moving along -- I'm almost half way through the quilting -- yippee! as I'm working on this I'm now hoping to have it finished before the 27th which is when I'm taking some of my work for jurying at the library in our area to see if I can get a "solo show" in one of the branches next year -- it would be nice to have this larger piece to take along with the backyard fence piece and some smaller ones for that before it goes off to the competition I'm entering it in

-- we'll see


AlisonH said...

Good luck with it! I have to laugh: when the pictures were loading, just the top of the piece on the left showing, it looked like a halter top and I had just enough time to go wait, whaaaat? Too funny!

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Never mind what Fred Phelps sez, Heaven's where I'm going. Wanna come along? Guhroovy. Meet me in Heaven, miss gorgeous, and we'll have gobbbs of fun at my BIG-ol, WooHoo! party-hardy celebrating our resurrection for eons and eons. O! BTW! I'm gonna kiss your adorable feet the first chance I get, doll, because they have brought you this far (so be warned). God bless you. I wish I could tell you I love you in person -Totus Tuus (Latin: Totally Yours)