Wednesday, May 30, 2012

it isn't easy being green

especially when my head is already thinking about the next piece

(it's a sort of "are we there yet?" whine!)

I just want to get this one finished so I can get on to the next one

yesterday the Hoffman Challenge piece went into the mail --- hurrah!

and I learned yesterday that I won a drawing on Nancy Cook's blog for a book on Japanese beading techniques --- I'm really excited about that, I'll be stalking the mail man!

before I get into the studio today we need to run a couple of errands ---- and move the 160 pounds of red mulch out of the back of the van (that was YESTERDAY's errand) --- fortunately the mulch is in 40 pound bags that I can move into the garden cart and wheel to the places I need it to be


1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Carefully... That's a lot of mulch.