Monday, July 23, 2007

I must be out of my mind.....

As you may have read here yesterday, I've started working on the next quilt project.

The idea was to create a graphic using my Photoshop software that would be what I want the quilt to look like, then run that graphic file through the software that creates a bead chart then use the chart to make the quilt from. My thinking was that if you can create a picture using little rectangular beads you could do it using little rectangular pieces of fabric. I thought it would be a good way to use up those pieces of fabric too small to use.

Well, creating the design was my "play time" yesterday. After doing a lot of "fiddling" in both programs, I finally created the graph. This is just one of the 15 pages of similar graphs that it will take to create the quilt. The pieces are small, but much bigger than the original graph which would have produced a quilt requiring 62K pieces (yes, that's 62,000!).

Hence the title of today's posting .... I must be out of my mind! However, unlike a quilt with similarly small pieces that I started MANY, MANY years ago (and finally gave up on); I do have a definate, fixed purpose here, so I'm much more confident that this will come together. And my box of small scraps will get smaller and this will give me a great backdrop for what I want to quilt into it as I'm excited.

Next step -- think about organizing into managable pieces (maybe piecing each page of the chart seperately then putting them together from there.

But first, there will be a lot of work done on jewelry like the last bracelet I did. I will be pulling out the stones and setting up some of those today.

The jester for the order is coming along -- finished the hat and the collar (except for the bells) yesterday, so I hope to get most of it done today.

Another hot pad is complete! Now I'm working on dish rags with the rest of the cotton yarn I have on hand.

Today will be full with laundry and house cleaning and a couple of errands to do.

off to slay the dragons!

1 comment:

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

That's so interesting using a photoshop prog for a quilt design! :) :)