Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Spring Cleaning?

Ever since I had that "ah ha" moment not long ago when I declared myself to be a multi media (or mixed media) artist, I've been thinking that I probably need to give my website a "make over"

probably an EXTREME make over

trouble is, I don't really have any idea where to go with it from where it is

I mean, the format is relatively non-offensive (I think), and the "click and buy" thing on it works, so that part is all ok

Trouble is it doesn't come close to covering everything that should be there, and while I like the buttons I designed and am using on it, I also liked the combination of newsletter/boutique that it was before I went to the current format

and then there is all the time that it takes to redesign a site --- and trust me, it takes lots of that because I use an old compiler and a lot of hand written code --- because I like that whole "control of the content" thing

I need to decide (in the next week!) if I'm going to keep the site up or just ditch it entirely because it's time to pay for the domain name again if I'm keeping it


Time to go lay down in a dark room and think about this

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