Wednesday, March 16, 2011

glass grass

the beading of the garden has begun

(and I'd like to mention here that it was a whole new learning experience to get these pictures!)

each blade of grass is either a bugle bead or a size 11 seed bead with a size 15 seed bead on top

and it takes a while to do just this much of the surface -- bring the needle up through the backing, pick up the bugle, pick up the size 15, go back down through the bugle, go back through the backing


the flowers have a size 6 seed bead under them that puts them at a level between the long grass (bugles) and the short grass (size 11 beads) -- bring needle up through the backing, pick up size 6 bead, pick up flower bead, pick up size 11 bead, go back through flower, go back through size 6 bead, go back through the backing



and so far just this little area has been finished (about 1 square inch) -- like I said, this will take a while

we are now at 54% complete on this project

and that last 16 row pattern section took a while

the next section is only 6 rows, but it is 7 different colors

that should be interesting


AlisonH said...


Nancy G said...

And here I thought real yard work was tiring...