Wednesday, February 29, 2012

fiddling with filigree

it's getting closer

the right hand side is almost finished -- just that last little bit at the top edge remaining to be beaded, then it's on to the left hand side

I'm getting impatient to get this finished because I have an idea for another piece that I want to get to

the quilting on the dinosaur quilt is all finished -- WHOOT! today I'll be trimming the edges and getting the binding stitched on

another something for the Christmas project box

I'm making up more of these hot pads (I heard that someone is in need of some new ones)

I'm almost out of cotton yarn -- so I'll be watching for a sale so I can pick up some more to do more of these

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

I don't love knitting cotton, but others have gifted me with cotton handknit dishtowels and I absolutely love them.