Friday, January 05, 2007

Orange snow and new toys

Sunrise this morning was really odd.

For one thing, since it is once again snowing like crazy, there was really no "rise" to see, it just gradually gets less dark, but today in that twilight phase, everything had this very odd orange cast to it.

The picture doesn't really capture it since I was still in my pjs and socks and it was just too cold to even open the sliding glass door to take a picture, but it does show part of the the oddness.

There's something just wrong about orange snow!

One of the other things my DH got me for Christmas were some additional tips and cable for my knitting needles. The new tips are size 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11.

For years all I've had were the old standard straight needles in short and long versions, and a few specific size of the lovely flexy ones that I've bought on a "I need it for this project" basis.

Its kind of nice to actually be able to have the start of a set that will be much more flexible!

Now, the next project is to create a carrying case of some sort for these, with enough room to expand the set too.

And here they are, in all their adjusted glory, ready to be used again, and again, and again.

Now I've heard that my daughter has actually decided she'd like to have some of these for her swiffer, so I need to ask her to measure it for that custom fit!

Time to get moving on some projects.....

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