Sunday, June 29, 2008

baaaaaaaah, baaaaaaah

another of the lamb blocks complete!!

this one should have been a black sheep --- I had the body about half done when I realized that I had trimmed one of the foot pieces too short and it wasn't going to work

sooooo, I took the body off, removed the offending foot and replaced it then went back to the body

ah! much better! Right now the block is drying from the "spritzing" I did to remove the markings, then it can be pressed.


here we have the last parts and all of the parts

by now this is becoming really clear (I think!)

hopefully today I will get this put together and finished then put it away for the finishing of the quilt

I think its going to be cute!

I did the kitting up for the last of the angel panels. It took a while sorting through the fabrics as I wanted to keep the style of fabrics close to the same and the sky, frame, skin, wings and halo colors are all the same, but I needed to color coordinate the rest of the pieces. Mission accomplished!! I can start in on this one this afternoon.

Progress was made on the beadwork too, and I've started playing with design ideas for some new beaded bracelets.

Meantime work continues on the website coding -- have finished the coding for the main jewelry page, the pins, earrings, bracelets and strung necklaces -- which leaves the pages for the art clay, the set stones, the beaded necklaces and the other jewelry like pieces (like badge lanyards, etc) to be written -- those of course are the bigger pages (the beaded necklaces being the longest list and I'm not sure if I will have to build individual pages for the pieces themselves or not) -- it is progressing, tho', and I'm hoping to get some of it loaded up soon.


Green Beans!!

so far they're looking pretty good, the dog is (mostly) staying off of them, and the birds didn't eat the seeds

I'm pleased

and here, being pointed at by the big yellow arrow, is the very first pepper!

isn't it cute?

ok, its little, but I'm already looking forward to being able to pick it. It also looks like a couple others have "set" on the other plant

and these little lovelies are tomato blooms

when we lived in California and plants this small started to bloom we used to knock the blooms off to let the plant get bigger, but we're not doing that here -- the growing season is just too short and there is always the danger of hail destroying the whole garden

while the DH mows the back yard I will be weeding and giving each little plant a shot of Miracle Grow food

Its looking good!

1 comment:

Nancy G said...

Aaahhh (baaahhh?), it all becomes clear...
So glad to see that at least some of the seeds survived the birds and/or BBD!