Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Free the Tendon!"

You know you've been spending a lot of time in a waiting room when you finish half of an afghan square before 1 pm.

Ok, here I am again with no photos to show for yesterday's "accomplishments" -- be patient with me here, I really AM working on things, just haven't got anything to show for it!!

We spent most of yesterday morning attending to medical things -- about 7 weeks ago the DH started having a lot of trouble with his right thumb, and it finally got bad enough that he mentioned it to our "primary care physician" (aka: The Gate Keeper) -- anyway, she referred him to a specialist (fortunately we knew one to request or who knows what we might have gotten), and yesterday was his appointment with the specialist.

The bad news: he needs to have surgery

The good news: he's having it on Friday morning, and aside from some post operative pain, he will be better almost instantly (according to the doctor)

The red arrow shows where the cut will be made -- after that the tendon that is supposed to be able to slide through there will be free to move

(we're making little signs to march around with that say "free the tendon"!)

So, because the doctor is a "one stop shop" of sorts (his surgical suite is in the same building as his office), we took care of all of his pre-op stuff right there.

Friday morning, bright and early we'll be off to have it taken care of -- I'll be packing my knitting and my coffee mug

Speaking of knitting -- I have a new definition of frustration: casting on 362 stitches, knitting (or K2, P2 ing) 3 rows, THEN discovering that back on row 1, when you connected it in a circle, that you twisted the stitches -- TWICE! This of course means that all of that work must be frogged and I must begin again. Part of the problem is that I really don't have a long enough cable to be able to spread it all out to be sure its not twisted. I have decided that the best approach is to cast on the stitches and work the ribbing in rows, then join and work the rest of it in rounds. That way I'll be sure it is not twisted, and it is pretty easy to make a small seam in the ribbing on one side. I am growling, however.

So, I'm guessing that today I will be trying to finish something --- ANYTHING!

into the fray!


Laura Lynn said...

I have not read this till today... surgery day... but I'll be sending good thoughts to DH!!!

Nancy G said...

Ah, yes, the infamous "join, being careful not to twist" that we all dismiss as being TOO obvious...that is, until we screw it up! I'm glad I'm doing a cardigan for DH, so I don't have to worry about that, at least.