Saturday, January 30, 2010

mostly beginnings

except this one

the big aspen trees are all finished and ready to be appliqued to the base of the quilt

(we CAN see the forest for the trees!)

so now it's on with the redwoods, which will take a while since there are all those rows and rows of stitching to create the channels for the bark

good work to do while watching a good TV show

can you see the turtle?

well, what we have here are the flippers of the sea turtle (he's swimming toward the bottom of the picture)

today he'll get a head and at least part of a body

there are four this size to do for the corners

then there's the big one for the center

still need to get some pictures of sea grass to use on this

this is the beginning of the scarf from Alison's book made out of the "free" yarn

the yarn is kind of odd -- sort of like knitting with embroidery floss in the way the strands of the fiber tend to come apart, unlike wool which hangs together so well

with this I need to be careful not to separate the strands as I knit into them

the pattern is awesome --- easy to do, nice repetition

lookin' good!

and this is progress on the first of the bi-color mittnz

I wasn't sure about putting these two yarns together, but I really like the look now that I have

I have just started the decreases at the top of the hand, so it is closer to the finish than the start

this arrived yesterday

ordered it last weekend for the annual sweater knitting

so you could say this is a sweater, raw on the half shell

so to speak

I'm not starting this until the scarf is finished

and this?

this is packing material

or was -- it protected the external hard drive on it's way to me

I see the beginnings of an afghan here


oh, and that geeking thing I was trying yesterday?

nope, no can do

have to wait for the computer doctor to make a house call --- which will happen tomorrow


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