Saturday, March 26, 2011


beware of sharp kitchen tools

yesterday, while my sister was here I was trying to get the new slicer set up to use for making coleslaw

and got a little too close to that razor sharp blade

this was the "put pressure on it to control the bleeding" bandage -- several layers of gauze and some tight tape

and yes, the darker areas on the gauze in the photo is where it bled through

before my sister left, she helped me re-bandage it -- more gauze, an aluminum protective sleeve and some "horse tape" and I'm planning to just leave it alone until tomorrow morning

I had some light weight disposable gloves on hand that I use when I'm doing painting or dye work, and I cut a finger off of one to put a waterproof cover over the bandage

not good timing -- between the DH and I we have two left hands, which doesn't make for very coordinated doing of anything

and I'm not real good at just sitting, so I'll be trying to figure out something I can work on while this heals

now days its not only the mail man that brings the bad news -- when I opened my email this morning I got the notification that the pieces I had entered in a gallery show later in the year didn't make the cut


oh well (and now I really need to get those forms made up so I can keep track to which pieces have been entered were)

heading off to nurse my wounds

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Maybe it needed stitches? Is it ready to try just a bandaid now so you can have a little more work space there on the hand?