Sunday, March 06, 2011

we interupt this project blog

for some pictures of an unbelievably cute grandson


he is SO adorable

my daughter and her hubby brought the little man to visit with grandma and grandpa yesterday

we hadn't seen him (except in pictures) for about 6 weeks

he has grown

a lot!

so we spent the day talking

and holding the baby

having lunch together

and just generally enjoying being together

while they were here, my daughter mentioned that none of the little hats they have fit him very well

so I measured his head --

didn't you just know there would be some sort of project in here somewhere!?

yup, I cast on the stitches to make his very first watch cap (the pattern doesn't even go that small, but hey, it's a pretty simple pattern, so I think I can manage it)

I'll be mailing him his first "squishy" envelope soon

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Oh, he's so CUTE!!!