Thursday, August 08, 2013

moving slowly

I'm slowly recovering

the nasal packing from the cauterizing is out and there has been no new bleeding -- still taking an antibiotic to stave off the sinus infection

you don't realize how much bending and lifting you actually do in the normal chores of something so simple as loading and unloading the dishwasher until you're told not to do that bending --- the DH is having to deal with all that for now (and doing a very good job!!)

the up side of not being able to do much real physical work is that I've spent a lot of time working on the two quilts I'm in the midst of and doing some knitting

this fabric arrived in the mail along with a couple of spools of Sulky thread and my pin for participating in the Hoffman Challenge for this year

when Iopened the envelope my first thought was "what will I ever use that for", but it's growing on me -- I'm thinking about using it for the lining in a felted bag --- we'll see

there was also the flyer for the fabric for next year's Hoffman Challenge --- it's very different from anything they've had in recent years, so I'll need to think about it for a while to see if it speaks to me

I've spent a bit of time on the phone with my sister this week -- getting updates on how her husband is doing -- which means another afghan square is complete!

the real good news here is that her DH is recovering -- he has some challenges to be faced in some life style changes as they are unraveling the interrelated issues, but if he'll do what he's told he should be ok -- now begins a new challenge for them

today I hope to get a chance to actually work on the piece of jewelry that has been languishing since Saturday -- we'll see

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Oh, I'm so glad things are going better for them. And for you too, for that matter; please tell your hubby thank you from me.

And that square and that fabric match nicely.