Saturday, February 03, 2007

swimming upstream.....

and who knew this little part of the latest bear project would be so difficult?

This first fish is the one that DH so carefully painted...problem is, the two images (back side, front side) were not exactly the same size, and they had serious "undercuts" so it just didn't work out.....

Then there is this little "mutant".....notice carefully that there seems to be some problem with the back fin on his top side.....hmmmm

well, its obvious that I have looked at more birds (or pictures of them) than fish, since I couldn't manage to get the fins right

The third version is in the works. Its all stitched, and yes, the fins are all the right way (there's no chant like with doll making ... "thumbs up, thumbs up"), and its now waiting for the paint job.

Meantime today I hope to get a face and the other detail work done on the polar bear this goes with.

I worked some more on a new bracelet yesterday. It is about half finished.

Oh yes, and there are some updates on our website click here to check out the new pins and animals I added.

47 arcs done, one shy of half way

We're going to venture out in the cold today....need to get milk and corn chips and who knows what else.....

1 comment:

Bev said...

thank you for taking a have always been my best website "critic" (and yes, that's a GOOD thing!)