Friday, November 11, 2011

thinking about spring

the panel is ready to be quilted!

I really like the way this one came out

now it's on to the summer panel

I did some other sewing yesterday, but I can't show you that item until after Christmas

we worked in the front yard yesterday -- trying to get the heavy layer of leaves up off the lawn so the grass will survive the winter -- many, many trips with the garden cart full of leaves hauled from the front yard to the garden area (where the layer of leaves killing weeds is a good thing), then running the lawn mower one last time before winter -- this morning my legs and my back are telling me I did too much

maybe today I'll take it easy

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Dogwoods! One of most favorite trees! I wouldn't even know where to find a pink dogwood around here, I miss them.

And that sweater is beautiful!