Wednesday, November 30, 2011

returning to projects

actually there are a whole lot of Christmas projects going on here, but nothing is at the stage where a picture is appropriate yet

I did spend some time with this yesterday -- having found some soft upholstery velour for the backing, I got the bead work cut out of the backing and the velour cut and I've started doing the beaded edging that holds the pieces together

I was surprised at how well this part went, and I'm feeling pretty sure I'll be able to get it finished by the deadline

the beads I'm using around the edge are the same style as the beads I used for the field, but I've chosen a silvery gray color for those and I plan to use them for the "chain" that will finish this piece

the leaves on the fall panel have been started

these are one of the green fabrics I used for the summer panel, but here I've used the back side of the fabric out

I'll be using some yellows, oranges and browns for more leaves both on the tree and on the ground below it

the two knitting projects I'm working on are moving along --

and over the weekend I got a lot of work done on my Christmas cards too

closing in on those projects!

no, we didn't send the little boy to doggie jail

someone neglected to latch the crate after letting the little dog out and Mr Cute put himself in there and pulled the door closed after himself

cute, very cute!

today we're going to do a couple of errands including a trip to the grocery store -- the weatherman is forecasting several days of frigid temperatures, and we would like to be in a position to just stay put during that

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Too funny! Something to tease him with when he's a teenager, too, or for him to tease you all with. Cute!