Wednesday, April 18, 2012

not studio work

this is the current view from my back door

yesterday we spent a little over an hour removing the fence panel that was in the hole on the right hand side of the picture

we have now removed everything that needs to come down before the new fence posts go up

the panel that is still standing at the far right in this picture, as well as the panel just beyond the left side of the picture will also be redone, but we don't have to put in new posts there, so we've left those alone for now

today we plan to go after the needed 2x4s so they can sit and "season" in the garage for a few days before we cut them to install, then on Friday we'll go after the cement and the posts

the result of all this outdoor activity is that I don't really have anything I can show you that was studio work --

I've just cut out a skirt for my daughter, the back of the current sweater knitting is complete and part of another tile for the necklace has been done

we'll see what I can manage today

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

That's really hard work--take good care of yourselves.