Friday, April 06, 2012

one project finished, another just begun

here is hatz #12

an even dozen all finished and ready to be shipped (in September) to the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation

so now I'll be looking to see what else they are in need of that isn't socks (I do not knit socks)

I really like the way all of these hats came out

we went out in the yard yesterday and put up enough metal meshing that the dog is allowed out there again (having her running out of the yard and down the ditch to the very busy street is not a good plan)

fortunately there were still a couple of metal posts laying around that we hadn't gotten rid of yet, so I could support both sides of the edge that is where the post just broke off

on Monday morning I have someone coming to tell me what it will cost to have someone set the posts that I need set so we can do the rest of the work -- the DH has a 20 pound weight limit for lifting, so neither one of us can lift a 60 pound sack of cement to do the post setting -- we'll have to have someone else do it

building a fence was really not what I had in mind to do in the next week or so, but I guess we get no choice here

time to get busy

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

I bet that's one happy dog; I hope the rest goes quickly and easily.