Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Actual finished work

well, at least the beading is completed

and the back has been all coated to hold everything in place

I've even already found the dark blue leather that I plan to use for the back of this, and I hope to get the actual finishing work complete in the next couple of days

the beading is done on this too

this is a sort of "quick and dirty" snapshot of the piece

today I need to work on getting some really quality pictures so you can actually SEE the bead detail on each of those firework bursts

and once I get that I can enter this in the competition that I made it for

I'm making real progress on the center block for the other competition piece that has the same deadline date -- will I manage to get it finished and in their hands by August 15?   I hope so

time spent hanging out in the jury room of the court house gave me time to create the rough sketch of a new piece of jewelry

and last night I was able to use my templates to make the more accurate sized drawing

as soon as I get the back on the bracelet I'll be starting on this piece that will require me to build a net frame around each of those circles so I can string them all together

this piece is for a competition too

I have completed my jury service -- it was, shall we say, an interesting experience -- I'm glad to be finished and hope not to get called for another 5 years (yes, I know, I could get called again next year according to the way the system works, but I can always hope!)

time to get moving --- lots of things need to get done

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Those are just so gorgeous.