Monday, February 01, 2010

Valentine projects

it's amazing how much mess I can make with such simple materials as paper and glue and glitter

ok, maybe it's the glitter that is the real issue -- but I like it!!

anyway, if you look closely at those bottom two valentines you may recognize the quilt block that I made a week ago and was just not happy with

this was my solution to "now what do I do with it?"

I cut it in quarters and used it as the background

oh yeah, you may also recognize the penguins here, making their return appearance after a very successful Christmas card run (only now there are two of them on each card, not just one!)

this was fun

I still have some more pieces of the quilt block and a lot more penguins, so I'm pretty sure I'm not done yet
another afghan square is finished

and I finished that partial mitten and started working on it's mate last night

several 12 row repeats have been added to the scarf too

there has also been work on trees and sashiko and the turtle quilt

later in the week there should be pictures of a lot of things

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

I love penguins! I had one follow me around at the aquarium once (separated by glass), copying everything I did. It was so cool.