Thursday, August 30, 2012

Doing a Happy Dance (figuratively that is)

about 10 days ago I got a call for entries from my region of SAQA for an exhibit that will be in Denver for about 6 weeks

 the specification was that it be small works -- less than 24 inches by 24 inches -- and I didn't think I had much that met the requirements

but the DH said "you've got things that fit!"

so almost at the last minute I enter three items

and two of them were accepted!!

 I'm amazed --- and very pleased

I'll be posting more info about the show in the next week

 even though I've struggled to do the simplest household chores this week, the DH has been very busy outside

all of the grass stop cloth is down and many bags of mulch

this morning I "supervised" the placement of the little animals --- it looks beautiful

and this means that as soon as we stop have 5 day stretches of 90 degree weather, there are some areas of grass that will get planted along the edge of this new landscape feature nice!

the backing and edging is all done on this piece

now on to figuring out if it will be fringed or not (I'm thinking yes) and how to create a beaded chain to hang it on

witchy doings continue

 I have both of the hat brims done --- looking great

we need to go to the grocery store this morning --- time to get moving

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Beautiful yard. Beautiful work! I like how that lighthouse conveys the power of the ocean and perhaps even the movement of the earth itself below. California.