Monday, June 28, 2010

going to the zoo?

the zoo is the theme for the summer bead competition in my beading group

since zebras have been much in evidence here, the whole zebra patterning seemed appropriate to use when creating a piece to enter in that competition

I finished this yesterday -- not without some considerable mumblings when the thread broke as I was almost finished with the very last little bit -- requiring some picking out and reworking

I think it looks pretty neat

this one has a brass cuff inside and black leather on the back (think of it as a sandwich with the brass as the meat) -- because the beading layer and the leather layer are all stitched together around the edges with more beads, there is never any metal to touch the wearer -- which is important to those with metal allergies

I think the next beading project will be one that I want to do for a Christmas gift -- a 3 dimensional lion -- this will be another "challenge", and I'm going to try to take good notes as I go along -- and pictures!

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Oh, that's cool!