Sunday, February 27, 2011

finished objects and gratuitous cute baby pictures

ta da!

finally got the red handbag finished

I really like the way this came out, and I'm looking forward to putting it to use

I'm thinking I may want to create a couple of small zippered bags to hold small objects inside, but the things I always want to have in an easy to locate spot (cell phone, keys and business cards) already have built in places


mittnz #10

the completion of this pair means I have only one more pair to go to meet this year's goal

whoo hooo

and of course I already have another knitting project waiting in the wings to step into this time slot of daily knitting

35% of the Christmas project complete!

this pattern was pretty easy to do, so I got it done in just two evenings

the hat I've been working on that will be for sale is getting really close to being complete -- just need to do the button hole flap, the weaving in and the attaching of buttons

and I worked on the hoffman piece yesterday -- I wanted the drapery next to the window to have the look and feel of an open curtain -- the "pleats" should be thicker -- my solution was to take some narrow strips of cotton/bamboo batting and put them inside each fold of the curtain for some depth -- I haven't stitched it yet, but I like the way it looks

gratuitous cute baby picture #1

love the matching smiles on the grandson and the son in law!

gratuitous cute baby picture #2

more smiles!

and matching hair lines

and gratuitous picture #3

he's just so adorable!!

hope to get to see him in person again soon

ok, time to go ice my back (it's getting better slowly)

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Oh, CUTE!! I've been so waiting to see the little guy. Thank you, and hugs to his cute parents, too.