Monday, October 24, 2011

harvest time

its been mostly very warm for fall this year, but we could tell by the way all of the soft garden plants had turned brown and wrinkly that it was time to clean out the garden and get ready for winter (which we're supposed to get a taste of on Wednesday -- 4 inches of snow forecast)

because we actually planned to do this, we had watered the area so it was easier to dig

it was a pretty good harvest -- almost 3 pounds each of potatoes and onions (which we had planted this year) and carrots (which were the "volunteer" veggie of the summer)

all of the foliage and vines from everything have been cleaned up, the tomato baskets stacked and put in the shed, the green bean trellis taken down and the whole area raked

we're ready for the snow -- it looks really bare out there

and after this little snow storm, we're going to finish repairing the back fence

beading has begun on this piece

the little "vine" running all over the surface of the piece is stitched with matte finish size 13 seed beads that I've had in my stash of beads for about 10 years --

now its on to the surrounding of the leaves

the tree on the first panel is all stitched

and I'm very pleased with the way it looks

three more trees to do!

the big project for this week is to get the signs for my quilts made -- next week I'll be hanging my first solo show and I need to have those signs ready

time to get to it

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

That's quite a garden!